Friday, August 9, 2013

Graph Slope on a TI-83 Plus Calculator

To graph a slope on a TI-83 calculator, you must know the slope's linear function. The linear function equation is y=mx+b. The slope is m. B is where the slope crosses the y axis on the graph. Y and x are the x and y coordinates for the graph. Once you input this function into the TI-83, the TI-83 automatically makes the graph for you.

1. Press "Y=."

2. Enter your equation on the first line. "Y=" is already in the calculator, so you only need to enter everything to the right of the equals (=) sign in your formula.
3. Press "Zoom" then "6." This sets the zoom view. The view on "6" is the ZStandard view. If you choose to, play with the other zooms until you find one you prefer. The zoom function may be different depending on the type of graph you use.

4. Press "Graph." This displays your graph with the zoom settings you set in the previous step.

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